The Gateway JavaScript SDK provides a simple and intuitive way to interact with Gateway’s encrypted storage and data sharing capabilities. This guide will help you get started with integrating the SDK into your JavaScript applications.


Choose your preferred package manager to install the SDK:

npm install @gateway-dao/sdk


The SDK supports two authentication methods:

  • Wallet-based authentication using a private key
  • JWT-based authentication

Choose the method that best suits your application’s needs:

import { Gateway, WalletTypeEnum } from "@gateway-dao/sdk";

// Initialize with a private key
const gateway = new Gateway({
  wallet: {
    privateKey: "your-private-key",
    walletType: WalletTypeEnum.Solana,

// Or initialize with a JWT
const gateway = new Gateway({
  jwt: "your-jwt-token",

Basic Usage

Here’s a simple example to get started:

// Get account information
const account = await gateway.account.getMe();
console.log(`Logged in as: ${account.username} (${account.did})`);

// Create a structured data asset
const dataAsset = await gateway.dataAsset.upload({
  name: "User Profile",
  data_model_id: 123456789,
  tags: ["profile", "personal"],
  claim: {
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    age: 30,
  acl: [
      address: "recipient-did",
      roles: [AccessLevel.VIEW],

Error Handling

The SDK uses standard Promise-based error handling. Always wrap your SDK calls in try-catch blocks:

try {
  const assetDetails = await gateway.dataAsset.get("non-existent-id");
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Failed to retrieve asset:", error);
  // Handle the error appropriately