Managing Data Assets

The SDK supports two types of data assets:

  1. Structured Data Assets: JSON data conforming to a data model
  2. Non-Structured Data Assets: File-based data

Working with Structured Data

Create and manage structured data assets using predefined data models:

// Verify your identity
me, err := client.Account.GetMe()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Connected as: %s (%s)\n", me.Username, me.Did)

// Create a structured data asset
dataModelID := 123456789
tags := []string{"employee", "profile"}
acl := []gateway.ACLRequest{{
    Address: "recipient-did",
    Roles: []gateway.TypesAccessLevel{gateway.RoleView, gateway.RoleShare},

claim := map[string]interface{}{
    "firstName":  "Jane",
    "lastName":   "Doe",
    "age":        30,
    "department": "Engineering",
    "skills":     []string{"Go", "Python", "Docker"},

id, err := client.DataAssets.Upload(gateway.CreateDataAssetRequest{
    Name:        "Employee Profile",
    DataModelId: &dataModelID,
    Tags:        &tags,
    Claim:       &claim,
    Acl:         &acl,
if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("Created profile with ID: %d\n", id.Id)

// Verify asset creation
assets, err := client.DataAssets.GetCreatedByMe(1, 10)
if err != nil {

for _, asset := range assets.Data {
    if asset.Id == id.Id {
        fmt.Println("✅ Data Asset verified in created list")

Working with Files

Upload and share file-based data assets:

// Create a simple file - can also read file from file system
fileData := []byte("Annual performance review for Jane Doe\nPeriod: 2024 Q1\nRating: Excellent")

// Upload and share the file
acl := &[]gateway.ACLRequest{{
    Address: "recipient-did",
    Roles: []gateway.TypesAccessLevel{gateway.RoleView},

id, err := client.DataAssets.UploadFile(
    nil, // expiration date (optional)
if err != nil {

fmt.Printf("Created file asset with ID: %d\n", id.Id)

Retrieving Data Assets

Access and download your data assets:

// Get assets shared with you (paginated)
receivedAssets, err := client.DataAssets.GetReceivedByMe(1, 10)
if err != nil {

// Get specific asset details
assetId := 123456789
asset, err := client.DataAssets.Get(int64(assetId))
if err != nil {

// Download asset content
data, err := client.DataAssets.Download(int64(assetId))
if err != nil {

// For file assets, access content directly

// For structured data, parse JSON content
var structuredData map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data.FileContent, &structuredData); err != nil {