Proxy Re-Encryption

Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) allows secure data sharing without trusting the storage provider. The data owner encrypts the data with their private key and derives a re-encryption key for the receiver. The storage provider can re-encrypt the data for the receiver without decrypting it.

Access Control Permissions

  1. Verifier requests data access from Owner.
  2. Owner encrypts data DD with symmetric key kk and encrypts kk with their private key skOsk_O.
  3. Owner generates re-encryption keys rkOVrk_{O \rightarrow V} for each EDV and uploads encrypted data and keys.
  4. Verifier requests re-encrypted key E(k)E'(k) from an EDVEDV and decrypts it to obtain kk.
  5. Verifier requests encrypted data E(D)E(D) from the EDVEDV and decrypts it using kk.

Revoke Access to Data

  1. OwnerOwner initiates revocation and signs the request.
  2. Signed request is submitted to validators for verification and consensus.
  3. Validators instruct EDVs to delete or disable re-encryption keys.
  4. The ledger is updated to reflect the revocation.

This process ensures secure data sharing and controlled access revocation while maintaining data privacy and integrity.