With AI Products being worth trillions, the question remains, how do you stay in control?

The development of LLMs is based on Machine Learning processes that are fully reliant on high-value and diverse datasets. Today, such information is often sitting within Big Tech’s databases.

This is why we see the leading AI companies to be Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Part of their approach is also based on fear of losing control over proprietary information, revenue loss, and competitive advantage. This significantly restrict an open AI development ecosystem that can improve product development. This is why Gateway is focused on delivering a solution that helps user privacy and sovereignty, while at the same time championing a model that benefits organizations.

Gateway for Businesses

Gateway allows organizations to make data available and others to request said information. Let us take for example the world of financial products. Today the process for applying for loans is cumbersome.

From filing out paperwork, to waiting for background checks, and receiving one option at a time. Instead what if a financial organization, like JP Morgan, could contribute data to the Gateway protocol. They create datamodels which include Proof of Funds, Investment History, and Consumer Credit History. JP Morgan can issue said data assets directly to their users and choose to price the verification of this data. Now Bob, who is building an AI Lending Platform, is a requestor. He can choose to request users to share their PDAs from JP Morgan.

Businesses gain a platform to monetize their data in a controlled, auditable, compliant, and secure manner while pushing the

Empowering Control and Choice

Gateway enables users to leverage a secure identity protocol, where users can link multiple accounts to a single self sovereign identity. This enables them to receive data assets to any identifier as they will be matched to the underlying DID at the protocol level.

Gateway is also pushing management of the encryption/decryption rights to the user, allowing the user to decide which AI platforms can access their information. This control mechanism is crucial for autonomy as the user goes from being the product (as we see in web2) to becoming a partner in the growth of their data usage.

Open AI Development and User Sovereignty

A polarizing view typically exists when it comes to privacy and AI development. However, Gateway’s focus on cryptography and an auditable trail of actions can ensure users can participate in the growth of the fastest industry.

This also enables AI products to request information directly from users to allow, for the first time ever, a user-consent based mechanism to be compensated for your data contributions. This secure framework encourages a more widespread sharing of high-value data, breaking down the monopolies that currently stifle AI innovation and making AI development accessible to a broader community of researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs.