What is a Requestor?

Requestors function as data consumers within the network, requesting and receiving information from users.

The limitation of data consumed is only bound to the scope of contributions flowing into the network. Upon receipt of such data, requestors transition into a critical role as data controllers, tasked with the ethical and transparent management of this information.

Their stewardship over data not only underscores their commitment to ethical standards but also reinforces the clarity and integrity of data utilization within the ecosystem.

Why be a Requestor?

  1. Deepen User Insights: Enhance your understanding and gain richer context about your users.
  2. Unlock Invaluable Data: Access information previously out of reach, propelling your strategy forward.
  3. Forge Data Partnerships: Establish beneficial collaborations through streamlined data sharing.
  4. Minimize Liability: Reduce risks by limiting your direct handling and storage of sensitive personal information (PII).
  5. Diverse Applications: The possibilities are vast, from verifying identity components to offering targeted promotions.

Ultimately, each requestor possesses unique objectives and requirements. The data they seek provides diverse advantages, whether it’s for gaining deeper insights, ensuring authenticity, or crafting specialized offers.

How to be a Requestor?

  1. Data Request Templates - Use an Existing Template or Craft Your Own!
  2. Create a Data Request - Initiate a Request for User Data
  3. Data Proof Generation - User can/cannot provide proof, based on the request

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Get your API keys after initializing your GatewayID.


Integrate directly to where your users are.

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